Testing New Blog
March 07, 2020

You see, I am not a prolific writer in any sense of the word. Just now I was sidetracked with vacuming my house. Funny, ever since I have bought my first house I am obsessed with doing choirs. What the hell happened to me?
My Xbox misses me I am sure. Especially with Division 2: Warlords of New York sitting on my hard drive. Anyway, this is a test to see how my blog will look. Last year I started to do a blog, had these grand plans of categories, Adobe Spark posts and more. What I have come to realize that is so not important. Hopefully my non-photographer related posts will help. Oh, the new house. We bought a house in Woodland Washington. It is only 21 miles from the I5 bridge between Oregon and Washington. I love the view out of my office window, even the neighbors busy car lot of a driveway. The mist in the hills makes me smile and I can't wait until summer. Especially that I am so close to a large lake for the dogs and my self care. Get your mind out of the gutter, now that I mentioned it, you might not have thought of it until I did. Anywhooo, meditation and relaxation. I think I need a boat, or at least some tubes for the wife and I for the Lewis river. Today my plans are do help a friend celebrate her birthday with a boudoir shoot. It will involve a cool location in Portland, Oregon, a few other models and some fellow photographers. That reminds me, I need to pick one of the photographers up and show off my new car (newish). It is Saturday March 7, 2020. I wonder when I will bother to write again.