How are you coping with the isolation?
April 26, 2020

Moving to Woodland Washington from Portland Oregon right at the beginning of the Covid 19 crisis has been a curse but there are some blessings. The biggest one is that I have been able to spend a huge amount of time in my home instead at my day job or running around conducting photo sessions. And I have learned - I LOVE THIS HOUSE!
My new thing, I actually have to do yard work and other things I would never have done before. I hated cutting grass and weeding, so much so I used to say I would rather scrub toilets. Now, I go out every day and make sure my dogs have not left any gifts in the yard I might of missed. I play with my dog daily, and he now seems to know when it is close to 3pm and that is play time.
How are you surviving the isolation brought on by Covid 19? I guess I am lucky. I have a day job that allows me to telework while my wife does the hero thing working at her Walmart store. She comes home with stories of people saying things like: "I don't know why everyone who enters don't have to wear a mask, I just got over the coronavirus and I think they should." Yeah, why were you in the store? I started this phlosophy so long ago, try to find the positives. I started this while working at Dick Hannah dealerships in the Subaru and Dodge/Jeep internet marketing department. I found it was much easier dealing with people when you just went in with a smile. Positivity starts with a smile.